Our apologies for the delay in confirming photo day time slots. Our photographer, Darby Photos, had significant challenges in providing us with the online tools needed to set up time slots.
AYSC Photo Day takes place this Sunday October 29, 2023.
- Date: Sunday October 29, 2023
- Time: individual team slots, see below
- Location: Aldergrove Athletic Park – Rotary Field House (near baseball diamonds)
Your AYSC fees cover one player photo and a team photo, and will be provided to you free of charge.
You must arrive AT LEAST 10 MINUTES prior to your photo time to ensure you have time to gather with your team and Team Leader / Coach.
Attire: Players should come dressed in their full soccer kit: WHITE jerseys (unless otherwise communicated by your Team Leaders), shorts, socks and running shoes (no cleats). Team Leaders / Coaches please wear your Aldergrove Soccer t-shirt and pants.
Soccer balls will be provided for individual photos (or bring your favourite ball).
Individual photos, trading cards, magnets, magazine covers, posters, etc. can be purchased by each family as usual but ONLINE and AFTER photo day. Details will be given to each team on photo day about how to access these individual player galleries.
- No order forms to pre fill out, all ordering will be done online and AFTER photo day. Details will be provided to each team on photo day to hand out to the parents after the photos are complete.
- Parents will NOT be allowed in the photo area.
- There will not be any common touch points, no tables and no pens as an added precaution to keep everyone safe.
- Come dressed and come to the photo area no more than 15 minutes before your photo time.
Time Slots
If you have any concerns / issues with the time slots below, please email registrar@aldergrovesoccer.com.
Division | Team | Coach | Start Time |
U8 | Team AA | Coach Halliday | 08:25 AM |
U11 | Wes Halliday | Wes Halliday | 08:30 AM |
U10 | Team AAA | Coach Waddell | 08:35 AM |
U12 | Sara Lehmann | Sara Lehmann | 08:40 AM |
U13 | Sara Lehmann | Jake Frew | 08:45 AM |
U10 | Team EEE | Coach Oconnor | 08:50 AM |
U6 | Team B | Coach Hobbis | 08:55 AM |
U8 | Team BB | Coach Blachuras | 09:00 AM |
U12 | Jay Watalla | Jay Watalla | 09:03 AM |
U6 | Team D | Coach Papagni | 09:05 AM |
U10 | Team HHH | Coach Owens | 09:10 AM |
U12 | Melissa Yeomans | Melissa Yeomans | 09:15 AM |
U6 | Team A | Coach Macdonald | 09:20 AM |
U8 | Team FF | Coach Bloomquist | 09:25 AM |
U11 | Erika Rayworth | Erika Rayworth | 09:30 AM |
U6 | Team F | Coach TBD | 09:35 AM |
U8 | Team CC | Coach Van Noort | 09:40 AM |
U14 | Felipe de la Fuente | Felipe de la Fuente | 09:45 AM |
U8 | Team II | Coach TBD | 09:50 AM |
U6 | Team H | Coach Bobic | 09:55 AM |
U8 | Team EE | Coach Bobic | 10:00 AM |
U12 | Paul Hillier | Paul Hillier | 10:05 AM |
U8 | Team HH | Coach Burke | 10:10 AM |
U8 | Team DD | Coach Edwards | 10:15 AM |
U8 | Team GG | Coach Johnstone | 10:20 AM |
U6 | Team E | Coach Sullens | 10:25 AM |
U12 | Angela Bailey | Angela Bailey | 10:30 AM |
U11 | Marcus Van Noort | Marcus Van Noort | 10:35 AM |
U6 | Team C | Coach Van Noort | 10:40 AM |
U12 | Nigel Scott | Nigel Scott | 10:45 AM |
U11 | Konrad Beston | Konrad Beston | 10:50 AM |
U11 | Lukas Burns | Lukas Burns | 10:55 AM |
U13 | Kevin Coris | Kevin Coris | 11:00 AM |
U6 | Team G | Coach Stewart | 11:05 AM |
U10 | Team CCC | Coach Stewart | 11:10 AM |
U8 | Team JJ | Coach Johnson | 11:15 AM |
U10 | Team DDD | Coach Macdonald | 11:20 AM |
U10 | Team FFF | Coach Docherty | 11:45 AM |
U11 | Ivan Scheper | Ivan Scheper | 11:55 AM |
U10 | Team BBB | Coach Wildeboer | 12:00 PM |
U10 | Team GGG | Coach Molina | 12:05 PM |
U11 | Jamie Saunders | Jamie Saunders | 12:15 PM |