Important Policies & Guidelines
Aldergrove Youth Soccer Club Policies & Guidelines
Revised 29-Jul-2024
Below are important policies and guidelines enacted by, adhered to or supported by Aldergrove Youth Soccer Club. By registering with Aldergrove Soccer you acknowledge and agree to the policies and guidelines below.
Failure to adhere to these policies may result in cancellation of your registration without reimbursement and / or cancellation of your membership with AYSC and / or other consequences as decided by the AYSC Executive, District Board, or BC Soccer Board.
Jump to:
- Refund Policy
- General Policies
- Safety Policies & Procedures
- Player & Parent / Guardian Codes of Conduct
- BC Soccer Policies & Guidelines
- Canada Soccer Policies & Guidelines
- BC Soccer Policies & Guidelines
Refund Policy
A processing charge of $75 will be applied for registration withdrawals after the withdrawal deadline has passed. Once the withdrawal deadline has passed the Club must commit funds for field time, insurance, equipment, clinics etc. and it is not reasonable for these costs to be absorbed by other members of the Club. All refund requests must be made in writing (by email) to the Club Registrar and must include a copy of the email confirmation or a photocopy of the original registration receipt.
ATTENTION: Club Registrar
Aldergrove Youth Soccer Club
P.O. Box 582
Aldergrove, BC
V4W 2V1
Please allow 4 weeks for processing.
General Policies
All Club members agree to the following policies when registering with AYSC.
I hereby give consent for my child/children to play with the Aldergrove Soccer Society (known as Aldergrove Soccer Club, or AYSC) for the current season. I understand that with payment of fees I am now a full voting member of the Aldergrove Soccer Society.
I, the parent/guardian of the herein named candidate(s) for a position on an Aldergrove Soccer Society team, hereby give my approval to participation in all league activities during the current season, and to receive any emergency medical aid as necessary. I assume all risks and hazards incidental to such participation, including transportation to and from the activities if required and do hereby waive, release and absolve indemnity and agree to hold harmless the Aldergrove Soccer Society, the organizers, sponsors, supervisors, participants and persons transporting my child/children to or from activities, from any claims arising out of an injury to my child/children, except to the extent and in the amount covered by accident or liability insurance.
Photo / Video Release
I grant to Aldergrove Soccer Society the right to take photographs / video of my child / children in connection with AYSC activities. I authorize Aldergrove Soccer Society, its assigns and transferees to copyright, use and publish the same in print and / or electronically. I agree that the Aldergrove Soccer Society may use such photographs / video of my child / children with or without their name and for any lawful purpose, including for example such purposes as publicity, illustration, advertising, and web, email, or social media content.
Equipment Return
I agree to return upon request equipment issued to my child/children in as good condition as when received, except for normal wear and tear. I will furnish a certified birth certificate of the above named candidate upon request of league officials.
Information Sharing
Name and address information provided will be shared with BC Soccer for club provincial registration requirements and the Township of Langley for club facilities booking requirements.
By submitting your registration you explicitly agree to receive emails from the Aldergrove Soccer Society from time to time. The Society maintains its registrar database on a secure system located in the United States of America. This service provider offers state-of-the-art security for all data in the organization’s custody or control and is a cost-effective way for the Society to manage its data. The Society has taken reasonable measures to ensure that personal information handled by its service providers on our behalf is protected and not used or disclosed for purposes other than as directed by the Society, subject only to local legal requirements applicable to those service providers.
Social Media
Social media (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest etc.) plays an important role in engagement, promotion, or awareness of AYSC activities and team management and organization. If misused, however, social media can be extremely damaging.
Safety Policies & Procedures
Township of Langley Safety Plan
- Core Safety Plan
- Township of Langley Emergency Operations Centre (EOC)-approved “Appendix A” – Safety Guideline Administration
- EOC-approved “Appendix F” – Sport Specific Activity Protocols (Soccer)
- AYSC Board letter approving the Safety Guideline for Facility User Groups
- Field Maps (Ingress & Egress)
Player & Parent / Guardian Codes of Conduct
In registering to play with AYSC, you agree to our Player Code of Conduct and Parent / Guardian Code of Conduct.
Canada Soccer Policies & Guidelines
Canada Soccer Guide to Safety
Canada Soccer believes that the safety and protection of all youth is paramount. Members are encouraged to review Canada Soccer’s relevant policy documents:
BC Soccer Policies & Guidelines
Release of Liability, Waiver of Claims, Assumption of Risks & Indemnity Agreement
By registering with AYSC you will waive certain legal rights, including the right to sue. Please read the British Columbia Soccer Association’s Release of Liability, Waiver of Claims, Assumption of Risks & Indemnity Agreement carefully.
Misconduct / Abuse
BC Soccer believes that the safety and protection of all youth is paramount as the organization looks to foster and develop the game in British Columbia. BC Soccer takes a steadfast approach to incidents of misconduct and/or abuse. Members are encouraged to review BC Soccer’s relevant policy documents:
BC Soccer Zero-Tolerance Policy on Alcohol at Youth Based Events
As part of its discipline rules regarding misconduct by adults against youths, members should be aware of BC Soccer’s zero-tolerance policy on alcohol at youth based events. Please read the full communication:
BC Soccer Concussion Policy
BC Soccer’s Concussion Policy states that “All active members of BC Soccer shall have a Concussion Management Plan for registered players and their families.” The full policy and additional concussion related resources can be found on the BC Soccer website: