Volunteering with AYSC
Thank You for Volunteering!
Thank you for considering to volunteer with the Aldergrove Youth Soccer Club. AYSC is a volunteer-driven Club – without volunteers, the Club cannot operate. Volunteers also help to keep our registration fees among the lowest in the Fraser Valley.
Many feel they do not have enough experience or skill to coach, but the truth is that at the younger ages, the primary responsibility is to help players develop very basic skills (dribbling, shooting, passing etc.) and ensure they have FUN!
Please complete and submit AYSC’s Volunteer Application Form below. This form must be submitted every season.
Criminal Record Check – Every 3 Years
All volunteers are required to complete a criminal record check (CRC) every 3 years. If you have previously provided a CRC to Aldergrove Soccer but are not sure if it has expired, please contact the Risk Management Officer at riskmanagement@aldergrovesoccer.com. If you have not previously provided a CRC to AYSC, most CRCs can be completed online at no cost in just a few minutes via an online process. A link to the online form and further information will be provided after you submit the Volunteer Application Form.
Criminal record checks must be completed by August 15 for Fall programs and February 15 for Spring programs. PLEASE SUBMIT YOUR CRC ASAP. The results of the criminal record check will be sent in confidence by the BC Government’s Criminal Records Review Program via email to AYSC’s Risk Management Officer.
If you have any questions about the CRC process, please contact the Risk Management Officer at riskmanagement@aldergrovesoccer.com.