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AYSC Photo Day – Sunday October 27, 2024

AYSC Photo Day takes place this Sunday October 27, 2024.

  • Date: Sunday October 27, 2024
  • Time: individual team slots, see below
  • Location: Aldergrove Athletic Park – Rotary Field House (near baseball diamonds) (view map)

Your AYSC fees cover one player photo and a team photo, and will be provided to you free of charge.

Ensure you are arrived, and at the correct location in the park a minimum of 15 minutes ahead of your scheduled photo time. Do not be late.

The photographer cannot wait for you if you are late, even if you are only a couple of minutes away. As soon as it is your photo time, the pictures will be taken.

There are no order forms to fill out. All ordering is done online after photo day. The team coach or manager is provided with the information, and will share it via email or teamsnap.

If you cannot make your team’s exact photo time, you are encouraged to attend photo day for just an individual image only. You can do this between the hours of 8:00 am and 11:00 am.

Attire: Players should come dressed in their full soccer kit: BLUE jerseys (unless otherwise communicated by your Team Leaders), shorts, socks and running shoes (no cleats). Team Leaders / Coaches please wear your Aldergrove Soccer t-shirt and pants.

Soccer balls will be provided for individual photos (or bring your favourite ball).


Individual photos, trading cards, magnets, magazine covers, posters, etc. can be purchased by each family as usual but ONLINE and AFTER photo day. Details will be given to each team on photo day about how to access these individual player galleries.

  1. No order forms to pre fill out, all ordering will be done online and AFTER photo day. Details will be provided to each team on photo day to hand out to the parents after the photos are complete.
  2. Parents will NOT be allowed in the photo area.
  3. There will not be any common touch points, no tables and no pens as an added precaution to keep everyone safe.
  4. Come dressed and come to the photo area no more than 15 minutes before your photo time.

Soccer City On-Site

Please note Soccer City will also be on-site to assist with any and all questions regarding team apparel orders. They will also have a variety of retail items available for purchase.

Time Slots

If you have any concerns / issues with the time slots below, please email

Age Group Team Coach Time
U10 U9/U10 Team III Sheppard Coach Sheppard 8:00
U8 U7/U8 Team CC Juthman/TBA Coach Juthman 8:05
U12 Scheper U12B Div 1B Coach Scheper 8:10
U8 U7/U8 Team AA De Fleuriot/Tyrell Coach de Fleuriot 8:20
U10 U9/U10 Team FFF Henniger/Gordon Coach Gordon 8:25
U10 U9/U10 Team AAA Waddell/Halliday Claire Waddell 8:30
U12 Halliday U12G Div 3 Wes Halliday 8:35
U8 U7/U8 Team DD OKrane Coach O’Krane 8:40
U15 De La Fuente U15B Div 2 Coach De La Fuente 8:45
U6 U5/U6 Team C Costas Costas Blachuras 8:50
U10 U9/U10 Team DDD Seal/Walters/Blachuras Costas Blacharus 8:55
U8 U7/U8 Team FF Hobbis/Brazeau Melissa Hobbis 9:00
U14 Coris/Burgham U14G Div 2 Kevin Coris 9:05
U11 Coris U11G Div 2B Kevin Coris 9:10
U10 U9/U10 Team HHH Docherty/Kent Gary Docherty 9:15
U6 U5/U6 Team F Dustin Dustin 9:20
U6 U5/U6 Team D Tobias Tobias 9:25
U6 U5/U6 Team A Amanda Amanda 9:30
U10 U9/U10 Team EEE Bobic Coach Bobic 9:35
U8 U7/U8 Team HH Bobic/Degenhardt Coach Bobic 9:40
U8 U7/U8 Team EE Papagini/Robertson Coach Papagini 9:45
U8 U7/U8 Team JJ Kelm/TBA Coach Kelm 9:50
U8 U7/U8 Team GG Attwell/Owens Coach Owens 9:55
U13 Yeomans/Lehmann U13G Div 2B Sara Lehman 10:00
U13 Sandhu/Olynyk U13G Div 3 Coach Sandhu 10:05
U10 U9/U10 Team CCC Berezan/Burke/Macdonald Coach Berezan 10:10
U13 Bailey/Hillier U13B Div 2B Angela Bailey 10:15
U8 U7/U8 Team II Terlecki/Peters Danica Terlecki 10:20
U10 U9/U10 Team GGG Molina Coach Molina 10:25
U12 Rayworth/Abreo U12B Div 3 Erika Rayworth 10:30
U13 McCartie U13B Div 3 Coach McCartie 10:35
U11 Kent/Cole U11B Div 3 Coach Cole 10:40
U10 U9/U10 Team JJJ Harper/Peters Coach Peters 10:45
U11 Sidhu U11B Coach Sidhu 10:50
U11 Van Noort/Scott U11B Div 1B Van Noort/Scott 10:55
U6 U5/U6 Team E Rebecca Rebecca 11:00
U6 U5/U6 Team B Roger Roger 11:05
U13 U13 Scott/Scheper U13B Div 1B Scott/Scheper 11:10
U12 Renso/Kloss U12B Div 3 Coach Renso 11:15
U12 Hotell U12B Div 2B Coach Hotell 11:25
U11 OConnor U11B Div 3 Coach O’Connor 11:30
U8 U7/U8 Team BB Wildeboer/Scheper Coach Wildeboer 11:35
U10 U9/U10 Team BBB Wildeboer/Van Noort/Tyrrell/Greer Coach Wildeboer 11:40