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U5-U10 Season Kickoff – Saturday September 14

Developmental Season Start Date: Saturday September 14

Our U5 to U10 (Developmental Program) start date is this Saturday, September 14!

The first few weeks of September provides the Club an opportunity to assess Developmental Program players and set balanced teams and schedules. On September 14 and September 21, and for weeknight sessions September 16-20, AYSC’s Club coaches will be running station-based “skills and drills” and scrimmages with all players and volunteer Team Leaders.

Players will be assigned a team toward the end of September, and a formal game schedule will be released at that time. Uniforms will be handed out once teams are formed.

All AYSC Developmental programs take place at Aldergrove Athletic Park (AAP), behind Betty Gilbert Middle School – view Google map.

Developmental age group times FOR SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 14 AND SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 21 are as follows:

  • 8:15 am – 9:15 am U5/U6 (EAST TURF)
  • 9:30 am – 10:30 am U7/U8 (EAST TURF)
  • 10:45 am – 11:45 am U9/U10 (EAST TURF)

Developmental weeknight age group times FOR THE WEEK OF SEPTEMBER 16-20 are as follows:


  • Wednesday September 18, 5:45 pm – 6:45 pm “skills and drills” / scrimmages


  • Monday September 16, 5:45 pm – 6:45 pm “skills and drills” / scrimmages


  • Wednesday September 18, 5:45 pm – 7:15 pm “skills and drills” / scrimmages

NOTE: After September 18, U9/U10 players will be assigned to either 5:45 pm – 6:45 pm or 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm depending on skill level.

PLEASE ENSURE YOU COME TO THE FIELD FOR THE CORRECT TIME FOR YOUR AGE GROUP. Bring water, shin guards, and either cleats or runners.

Other Fall Season Information

See for complete information on the U5 to U10 Developmental Program.

Volunteers Needed

AYSC needs volunteers to step forward to be Team Leaders / Coaches before we can organize teams and schedules.

Many feel they do not have enough experience or skill to coach, but the truth is that at the younger ages the primary responsibility is to help players develop very basic skills (dribbling, shooting, passing etc.) and ensure they have FUN!

We have several Club Coaches available who can provide support to our volunteers, to ensure they enjoy the experience and want to continue being involved with their player’s soccer journey.

Please consider volunteering to be a team leader ASAP by visiting If you have already submitted AYSC’s volunteer form, thank you!