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AYSC Developmental Team Lists & Schedules

ASYC Developmental Players / Parents / Guardians:

Thank you for registering with Aldergrove Soccer! We’ve been working nonstop since registration closed Saturday at midnight to set teams and the schedule for the first half of the season.

Team Lists

You can view your team assignment here:

(search on your player’s first or last name)

Please note that some shuffling may occur in the first few weeks of games to ensure balanced teams.

A HUGE thank you to our volunteer Team Leaders and Assistant Team Leaders for stepping forward – please help them as much as you can!


Schedules, along with a field map, can be found at Each game on the schedule has two TEAM LETTERS and a FIELD NUMBER that corresponds to the field map. Please take note of the schedules carefully – because of limited field availability, not all game times are the same for each age group from week to week.

Parent & Player Handbook

Please download a handbook from – this document has important information on basic “laws of the game” (rules), as well as a general overview of retreat rules, practices, and weather procedures.

Uniforms Handed Out Wednesday, September 18

On Wednesday night, we will provide Team Leaders with a box of uniforms at the start of your game time. These will be handed out OFF-FIELD AFTER YOUR GAME.

Photo Day – Sunday October 27, 2019

Photo day is Sunday October 27, 2019. Your Team Leader will pick a time shortly.

Optional Developmental Training Sessions Begin Week of September 23

Aldergrove Soccer will be holding optional Club-run training sessions for Developmental players starting Monday September 23, 2019. Watch your email for details and registration information.

Modify Your Email Subscription

Make sure you receive emails for your age group! You can edit your email preferences by clicking the “update your preferences” link in any email you receive from AYSC. You can add other email addresses at

Thank You!

Once again, THANK YOU for registering with Aldergrove Soccer – see you on the pitch!