A meeting will be held for all Travelling team (U12-U18) coaches (co-coaches, assistant coaches) at 7:00 PM on Wednesday, September 9 in the Rotary Field House at Aldergrove Athletic Park. Coaches will receive team equipment and team uniforms at the meeting.
Please note that all team equipment must be returned promptly at the end of the season (players are usually allowed to keep their uniforms).
The AYSC Executive will be meeting this week to finalize season particulars and sort out practice field times. The Township has cut back a few hours of our turf practice time, but we will do our best to assign a practice time that will work for each team.
Please email Club Registrar Angie Schonewille at ayscsoccermom@hotmail.com prior to September 2, if you haven’t already, with your preference of practice night(s) and time.
Criminal record checks must be completed and submitted to the Club every 3 years, so if you are a previous AYSC coach that completed a check in 2012 or prior, you MUST complete a new check.
All Aldergrove Soccer volunteers (coaches, assistant coaches, managers) can now complete their criminal record checks online. Please contact Sr. VP / Risk Management Officer Nancy Romegioli at srvp@aldergrovesoccer.com to obtain a website link and access code. You can also drop by the Aldergrove Community Policing Office at 269th and Fraser Highway, or any RCMP station, with your photo ID and the volunteer confirmation letter from the AYSC. For more information, see https://www.aldergrovesoccer.com/coaches/applying-to-coach/.