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Referee Clinic – Tuesday, August 27

On Tuesday, August 27 from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm AYSC will be holding a referee clinic for individuals (ages 12 to Grandpa!) interested in officiating Small Sided Soccer games. Small Sided Soccer includes U9/U10 as well as U11/U12 games. Those who successfully complete the clinic will also be eligible to be Assistant Referees and run lines in U13 to U18 games.

This is great opportunity for anyone interested in understanding the Laws of the Game, contributing to the Aldergove community as well as earning good money. It certainly beats working at a fast food joint!

All that you need for the course is your attention and a whistle! The cost is $10.00 for AYSC registered players or $40.00 for players from other clubs. This course is subsidized by the Aldergrove Youth Soccer Club. Cash or a cheque made out to the Aldergrove Youth Soccer Club will be accepted.

Dress to participate in outdoor practice sessions. There is significant classroom time, including videos. The clinic will be held at the Aldergrove Athletic Park in the Rotary Field House (the building west of the parking lots past Betty Gilbert Middle School on 27 Ave., west of 272 St.).

Lunch (pizza) and fruit drinks will be provided. Bring water, espeacially if it is hot out.

To register please email