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Spring Soccer 2012 Starts April 16

AYSC’s Spring Soccer Program starts Monday April 16. Below is important information regarding the program. See also the Spring Soccer Program page.

First Evening: The first evening will be Monday April 16. Each age group will meet at different times on the 16th. On this night you will get a t-shirt and a schedule for the season and meet kids in your age group for a short scrimmage. AYSC will send out an email closer to the 16th regarding scheduled times for each age group; you can also check the website closer to the date for this information.

Monday Night Games: Spring Soccer is Monday nights. Teams will have either a 5:45 pm or a 7:00 pm game each Monday. Location is Phillip Jackman Park (Parkside Elementary fields).

Team Leaders Needed: We are in the process of forming teams, but are short team leaders. The Spring program does not really require coaches per se; if you’re pretty sure you’ll be at each game and can call players off / sub players on, you can be a team leader! There are no practices during the Spring program, just games. If you would like to be a team leader please contact the Club’s Registrar at

Late Registrations: We are still accepting registrations to fill teams. If you have siblings or friends that would like to play, have them download and complete a registration form and drop off their form and payment at the Chevron at 264th and Fraser Highway ASAP.

Cheque Cashing & Receipts: Your checks will be cashed closer to April 16 after the AYSC Treasurer completes our fiscal year end. Receipts will be printed and handed to the team leaders on the 4th or 5th week.

Active Start Soccer Fest Windup: Last day of Spring Soccer is June 18. Players will get a slice of pizza and a juice after their game and will be participating in the Active Start Soccer Fest, Sponsored by the Canadian Soccer Association and their partners.

Questions? If you have questions regarding the Spring Soccer Program feel free to contact the Club’s Registrar Angie at 604-856-5839 (leave a message) or