With every season, we have a few housekeeping changes that get made while the kinks are ironed out.
October 1 U6-U9 Tournament – this has been cancelled, due to low team registrations and in turn we have updated the schedule with games to be played. Please review the attached for your division. As well, all schedules are posted on the website. No games will be played Thanksgiving weekend, Boys or Girls.
U10 Boys – the schedule has been changed slightly. We have moved games on Wednesday night so that game 2 is played on the bigger field.
Goalie Nets – reminder to please NOT take the nets off the top crossbar when taking down the nets. The nets should remain on the crossbar and be pushed to the middle. They should be laid, “back and forth” in the bag.
Tim Horton’s benches – please remember that these are directly for the use of the players on your team. They assist nicely in keeping your team together on the sidelines and in one area; thus making substituting a lot easier.
New Players – Coaches if you receive an email from me regarding a new player being added to your roster, please contact the parents immediately by phone to advise of your teams’ schedule and team information. A follow up email is always useful as well. New parents really appreciate the one on one welcome!
This should cover it for now, but should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me directly.
Best Regards,
Tanya Simonsen
Developmental Coordinator