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Field Status for Jan. 22-23

Township of Langley fields are CLOSED until further notice due to heavy rainfall. A full field status report is available on the Township of Langley website.

All Developmental games are cancelled for Saturday January 22. Practices should continue as scheduled.

When (if?!) the weather finally cooperates, we will be moving Saturday Developmental games to Creekside Park, adjacent to Shortreed Elementary at 27330 28 Ave. ( The schedule itself will not change. We will be sending out a map of specific age group field locations once the weather cooperates and we can line the fields.

UPDATE Jan. 22: Late Friday the Township of Langley changed the status of Creekside to Discretionary for this weekend, but parts of the field are still very wet. We are hoping that they will dry out enough over the weekend to get them lined for next week, and move the nets from Brown to Creekside.