Thank you for being patient as the AYSC Executive has worked to get the 2014 Developmental season underway. (As you may or may not know, we do not currently have a volunteer Developmental Coordinator – if anyone has an interest in this position please email
Below are a few start-of-season reminders for coaches, players and parents.
Everyone Plays / Everyone Has Fun!
Please remember that this is Developmental and NOT “competitive” soccer – all players should be given equal time and learn to play every position, including forward, defense and goalie. Switch the players around so they can grow at all position of the game. It’s a good idea to have a schedule of who will be goalie each week, so all the players have a turn. Coaches can absolutely feel free to schedule two goalies per game (switch at half time).
In the event that your opposing team is short players, you can swap players to make the teams even on that particular game day.
PLEASE ENSURE THAT SCORES ARE NOT “RUN UP”. If there is 5 point difference, discreetly play a player short, loan a stronger player to the other team at 1/2 time, or tell your team that they need to perform at least X passes before taking a shot on net. You can also have your team hang back from the center to give the other team a chance to advance into your zone. There should be no 13-0 games at the Developmental level; it doesn’t teach the “strong” players anything and can be very discouraging for the other team.
Wednesday 1/2 Game 1/2 Practice
Wednesday nights are 1/2 practice 1/2 games. Practice / warm up for the first 20 minutes, and then have a scrimmage against the other team for about 40 minutes. Coaches, feel free to COMBINE your “practice” time (all players from both teams doing warmup / drills together for the first 20 minutes) if you feel it would be more efficient / beneficial for players. This can be a great way to learn from more experienced coaches.
Parents, Remember to Set Up / Take Down Nets
PARENTS, REMEMBER THAT NETS ARE YOUR RESPONSIBILITY! Coaches should be focused on warming up the players (or talking with them after the game) while parents set up or take down nets. Parents can also help out be scheduling a snack for halftime e.g. oranges. Please also ensure you are on time for practices / games so that coaches can work with your child.
Games Played Rain or Shine
Games are played rain or shine – coaches, please do not cancel games for any reason. (If for some reason you can’t make a game, please ask another parent to step in to lead the team.) AYSC will cancel the games should the Township close the grass fields or set the field status to ‘discretionary’ (where the Club will cancel games once we see if the condition of the field is unplayable).
Players Must be Registered to Play
Please be advised that siblings, cousins, etc. that have NOT registered / paid to play with AYSC are NOT INSURED to play. Only players who have been assigned to a team are insured.
Questions or Comments?
Have questions or comments about the Developmental program? Contact