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Field Status for Dec. 4-5

Brown Park

AYSC President Bill Ede inspected the fields tonight (Friday), and after discussion with Brian Dyck (Equipment Manager) their experience leads them to believe that Brown Park will likely not freeze overnight. ALL DEVELOPMENTAL GAMES SHOULD GO FORWARD AS SCHEDULED. However, we would like a few coaches who have 9:00 am games to show up early tomorrow (8:30 am) in case any extra field prep needs to occur. Please let us know by email to if you can help.

As a general note, soccer IS a weather-dependent sport. In cases of EXTREME frost over the next few weeks, we might need to cancel early games to allow the fields to thaw. Fields will be inspected by the Club Executive early Saturday, and we will get the word out by email as soon as possible if any early games need to be cancelled.

As we have done in previous years, we may shift the entire Developmental schedule back by one hour starting in January if it looks like we will have a frosty spring.

Other Township Fields

From the Township of Langley: All Township of Langley Fields are open under DISCRETIONARY status with the exception of Denny Ross Park which is CLOSED. The snow is gone but cold temperatures are forecasted for the weekend and frost is a possibility. There should be NO PLAY on grass fields with FROST. Games should be scheduled to start once the frost has thawed (usually by 11:00 am).

A full field status report is available on the Township of Langley website.