AYSC is excited to announce that, earlier this week, both ViaSport (BC youth sports governing body) and BC Soccer provided “Return to Play” guidance for the upcoming Fall season.
You can read the announcements via the links below:
- https://www.viasport.ca/news/play-ball-sport-moves-phase-3
- https://www.bcsoccer.net/news/post/bc-soccer-releases-return-to-play-phase-2-governments-phase-3-documents-which-includes-allowance-for-game-play
These recent announcements allow for the next phase of soccer under the guidelines outlined by provincial health authorities, with organization of players into “Soccer Cohorts” (similar to what is planned for schools) and limited player contact.
AYSC is dedicated to providing a safe environment according to all guidelines provided by BC Health and our sport’s governing bodies. Our COVID safety plan also meets all requirements set out by the Township of Langley. You can view these policies on our website at https://www.aldergrovesoccer.com/policies/#safety-policies.
What Does This Mean for Fall Soccer?
We are still awaiting field assignments from the Township of Langley, which will determine any scheduling, but the good news is that it appears that we should be able to start the season in early September. We are aiming for a season kickoff date of Saturday, September 12 (TBC). More information will follow once we confirm dates and timing.
Each season, the first few weeks of September provides the Club an opportunity to organize for the year. Even in “normal” times, piecing everything together is no easy task (see https://www.aldergrovesoccer.com/programs/developmental/how-schedules-get-created/) – it typically takes several days (and many volunteer hours) to get everything worked out. With the pandemic, we have many additional considerations this year, and we appreciate your patience as we work to get the season started.
Traveling Teams (U11+)
We are still awaiting information from the District as to what interclub play will look like. We will provide this information as it becomes available.
Register ASAP
If you have not yet registered, please register ASAP at https://www.aldergrovesoccer.com/register/fall/. If you have friends that want to play soccer, tell them to register now!
A $50 deposit (per player) is due at the time of registration. Final registration fees and payment deadlines will be determined in the next week or two, but fees will be no more than the 2019 rates (see https://www.aldergrovesoccer.com/register/fall/#fees).
We look forward to seeing you on the pitch soon!