Opening day for Spring Soccer 2017 is Monday April 3 at Aldergrove Athletic Park.
Shin pads are mandatory. Please bring a water bottle.
If you have multiple children, please check them in at the correct times.
Group 4 – 5:45 pm (check in at 5:30 pm)
- 2013 Boys & Girls
- 2012 Boys & Girls
Group 3 – 6:15 pm (check in at 6:00 pm)
- 2011 Boys & Girls
- 2010 Girls
Group 2 – 6:45 pm (check in at 6:30 pm)
- 2010 Boys
- 2009 Boys & Girls
- 2008 Girls
Group 1 – 7:15 pm (check in at 7:00 pm)
- 2008 Boys
- 2007 Boys & Girls
- 2006 Boys & Girls
Check-in tables will be set up in between the two turf fields. Please check in 15 minutes before your age group’s time. You will be given a t-shirt, a schedule and a team letter. Once everyone is checked in, Club coaches will lead each age group in some short soccer drills and players will be sorted into teams.
A member of the Club’s executive will outline important season information to parents / guardians and answer any questions you may have.
Soccer Clothing for Sale (April 3 Only)
We will have limited supply of player shorts for $5 and socks for $2 / pair. Once they’re gone, they’re gone!
We will also have Adult t-shirts for sale at $5 each, sizes S-M-L-XL.
See you on opening night!