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Developmental Schedules Posted to End of Season

Parents / guardians / players:

As some of you may have heard, the East turf field at Aldergrove Athletics Park – where we shift our Developmental program starting in November – developed a small sinkhole problem a week or two ago, and we’ve been waiting to see if / when the Township of Langley was going to be able to fix the problem before we could finalize remaining game locations / times for the season.

We’re happy to report that repairs were being made today and we should have use of the East turf field again starting tomorrow, October 28. Consequently, we’re finally able to release the schedule for the remainder of the season – thank you for your patience.

Schedules have been posted on the AYSC website at:

A field map for the Aldergrove Athletic Park East turf field is also available.

PLEASE DO NOT PARK IN FRONT OF THE CHAINS / GATES at Aldergrove Athletic Park / Betty Gilbert Elementary. These areas must be kept clear for emergency access and you risk being towed if you park in these areas. DO NOT LEAVE VALUABLES in your vehicle – we have heard that cars are being broken into in the evenings.

Gym Practices

Most Developmental teams will start gym practices this week. Your coach will provide you with your schedule location and time. Please note that players should wear indoor runners and not cleats when in the gym.

Gym practices at all gyms will end at the beginning of December, when schools take over the gyms in preparation for holiday concerts and activities. Gym practices will start again in January when school returns.

Parents’ Responsibilities

Parents, please remember that parents (not coaches) are responsible for setting up and / or taking down nets if required. Nets are located in the green lockbox at the North end of the East turf field. Please make sure you DO NOT REMOVE THE NET from the crossbar when taking down the nets – the net should stay on the crossbar and be pushed to the middle of the crossbar, and then laid “back and forth” in the bag.

Please also note that ONLY PLAYERS are allowed on the turf field – spectator areas are located just on the other side of the fence. Only water should be brought onto the field – no oranges or any other biodegradeables, as it gets into the turf and shortens the lifespan of the field significantly.

Coach Reminders

Games should have no more than a 5 goal differential. If your team is ahead by more than 5 goals, please encourage your players to make X passes before taking a shot on net, dribble only with their non-dominant foot, play back on your half to allow the other team to advance out of their zone, etc.

As we begin formal practices please remember that the Club has several resources available to assist you:

  • see for downloadable drills and skills packages
  • AYSC has about 100 soccer training videos, listed at – to borrow any of these videos, email .
  • experienced AYSC coaches are available to come out to your practice and work with you / your team on various drills and small game ideas – email to arrange for a Club coach to attend a practice


All players, coaches, and parents should ALWAYS exercise good sportsmanship. All comments from players, parents and fans should be kept positive – model good sportsmanship and cheer ALL good plays regardless of the team making the play. Any coach hearing unsportsmanlike comments from their own players should consider taking appropriate action (e.g. benching that player for a game). If you hear an opposing player making unsportsmanlike comments, please bring it to the other coach’s attention for their followup.

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AYSC is a proud member of the Aldergrove Business Association. Check out the ABA’s website at and subscribe to the ABA’s news and events email alerts at, or follow the ABA on Twitter and Facebook, and you could win great prizes from local merchants!

Stay tuned for information about an exciting family-friendly event to be hosted by the ABA that will follow the Aldergrove Christmas Parade on Saturday December 13!