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Spring Soccer Age Group Times for First Night

AYSC’s Spring Soccer Program starts Monday April 8. All games are played on the Aldergrove Athletic Park turf fields by Betty Gilbert School, 26845 27th Ave. (there are NO games at Parkside like previous years). 

Age group times for the FIRST NIGHT can be found below. Please arrive 15 minutes prior to your age group time to receive your schedule and t-shirt.

The first night allows the Club to finalize teams, team leaders, for teammates to meet, etc. and for parents to be provided with an overview of the season. Plan on being there for about half an hour for this first night.

5:45 – Group 1

  • 2009 Girls and Boys
  • 2008 Girls and Boys

6:15 – Group 2

  • 2007 Girls and Boys
  • 2006 Girls

6:45 – Group 3

  • 2006 Boys
  • 2005 Girls and Boys

7:15 – Group 4

  • 2004 Girls and Boys
  • 2003 Girls and Boys
  • 2002 Girls and Boys
  • 2001 Girls and Boys
  • 2000 Girls and Boys

Once the season is fully underway, game times will be 5:45 pm and 7:00 pm (according to the schedule you will receive on April 8). The games will be played on the same field each week.

Shin pads are mandatory. You must wear shin pads to play soccer. On the first Monday, we will have limited quantities of shorts and socks at reasonable prices should you wish to purchase them.

Please be reminded that only players and team leaders are allowed on the turf fields. Parents, please spectate from the stands or outside the field boundary fence. Lawn chairs are not permitted on the fields. There are no food drinks allowed on these new fields – water only,  please.