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New Artificial Turf Field Approved for Aldergrove

On Monday April 11, 2011 the Township of Langley Council unanimously approved a Township contribution of $1.75 Million towards the development of an artificial turf field at Aldergrove Athletic Park for 2011-2012. The new field will provide an all-weather surface for soccer in Aldergrove (meaning fewer rained-out games for our Club).

The approval provides Township staff with the direction and funding required to move forward with the planning work for the new field in 2011, and the construction of the new field as early in 2012 as weather conditions permit.

AYSC would like to thank the Township for recognizing the importance of soccer in our community and the need for an all-weather artificial turf field in Aldergrove. A big thank-you also goes out to all of our Executive and Club members who have worked hard to bring the project this far.

More information on the construction of the new field will be posted as it becomes available.